Sunday, November 22, 2015


It was a simple plan, really. A quick walk through the woods followed by lunch at the hatchery. Dad had heard about a trail that led to the rear entrance and it was absolutely gorgeous. It wound up and down hills through a massive, old forest just outside Vancouver, Canada.

By the time we reached the hatchery, after an hour-long hike, we were starving. Unfortunately, the back entrance was closed. We’d have to hike around to the front entrance. This may not seem too bad, but remember, we were in a forest. The trail t the entrance would take another hour to walk, at least. 

Luckily for us, dad knew a shortcut. It was great. We stumbled through the woods for another hour and a half before emerging into a quiet neighborhood. We walked along the road, ignoring the strange stares, and finally found our way to a bus stop.

Eventually the bus came. We got on it and were taken back to Vancouver. After our adventure in the woods, the walk to our hotel from the bus stop seemed like nothing. And our lunch, eaten at 4:30 in the afternoon, was quite possibly the most satisfying meal I have ever tasted.

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