Thursday, January 28, 2016

Writer's Block

This was bound to happen sooner or later. Actually it has happened before. But never quite to this extent. I haven't written anything for two weeks now. So I'm getting a bit meta in an effort to break through the block and bring my blocks back up to speed.

It's not that I've been lacking things to write about. There are three more alphabet stories to finish (actually, one is finished, but it's the last one, so I can't post it until the other two are written). I have four book reviews waiting to be written, and I'm fast approaching a fifth. And I don't entirely know how far behind I am on the personal blog. January was an unusually busy month.

You'd think with all those topics to choose from, I'd be able to slip back in easily. But the truth is that as my backlog builds up, I'm finding it harder and harder to get started. There's just so much to do. And so I'm falling back into bad procrastinator habits. Ignore the problem and it will go away.

The truth is that it could. These blogs are mostly for me. I maintain them because I want to. But I really do want to. I like writing about books. It helps me retain what I've read, which is especially important now that I'm reading so much. I enjoy looking back on the older posts on my personal blog. It's a great way for me to remember all the fun things I've done for the past few years.

Five years.

It's just a month short of five years since I started the first blog. Well, it wasn't my first blog. I think it was closer to my fifth blog. But it's the first one I've stuck with for more than a couple of months. And I enjoy it. I really do. Writing it, re-reading it, keeping a record of my boring little life. It's been great.

I've started to worry, in the past couple of weeks, that I took on too much. Expanding to three blogs was a big move, and with the writer's block I was starting to think that maybe I couldn't keep up with it. The truth is, though, that I'm not writing three times as much. I'm writing maybe 50% more. And that's a reasonable goal. Especially if I want to eventually get paid for writing in some form or other. Learning discipline is an important first step. Writing even when I don't want to or when I'm struggling to find the words.

So I'm going to keep writing. Once the alphabet project is done, this blog may not get updated as frequently. But I'm hoping to find something to stick here. I'll let you know when I figure out what that is. In the meantime, enjoy the final three college stories. Now I must go write them.

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