Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Back on the Horse

Sometimes writing is easy. Ideas come and spin themselves easily into words and sentences and paragraphs. At times like these you do foolish things, like take on a writing project with an unrealistic deadline, commit yourself to three entirely separate blogs, decide to write a novel, all at the same time.

Other times, writing is much harder. Life creeps in around the edges. Who can really be expected to write when the holidays are right around the corner? Or when you have a day job and a never-ending list of books to read and TV shows to watch? When there are a million other things to do and the words just won't come.

It's easy to write when the words are flowing freely from your fingertips. It's harder when you're fighting uphill against bad ideas and writer's block and imposter syndrome. But that's when you write anyway. Writing anyway is what makes you a writer. That's what all the real writers say.

So. No more waiting for the perfect idea, the flash of genius, the mini-vacation when you'll finally have time. It's time to buckle down and do it anyway. It won't be good. It won't be pretty. That's how you get better. Write and write and write until the hay gets spun into gold. Nothing magic, just time spent and work done. That's how dreams come true.

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